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Not really......................

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Q: Does humidity affect fried food
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Does snow affect humidity?

Snow can influence humidity levels in the air. As snow melts, it adds moisture to the surrounding environment, thus increasing humidity. Additionally, snow can also impact humidity by reducing the rate of evaporation, which can contribute to higher humidity levels in the area.

How does high humidity affect weight?

High humidity can cause the body to retain water, leading to temporary weight gain due to increased fluid retention. However, this weight gain is usually minimal and not a result of actual fat gain. It is important to monitor overall calorie intake and exercise habits for long-term weight management.

How does humidity affect conductivity?

Humidity can increase conductivity in materials such as water due to the presence of ions (charged particles) that can facilitate the flow of electric current. High humidity levels can also create a pathway for current to flow through water vapor in the air, increasing conductivity. Conversely, in dry conditions, conductivity tends to decrease as there are fewer charged particles available to carry current.

Is bacon fried food?

yes its the most fried food in the universe you can kill someone with a fried bacon!

What is the independent variable of food spoilage?

It depends on the experiment. It could be what the food is, the storage temperature, time, humidity or many other possible factors that affect spoilage.

How does humidity affect animals?

Humidity can affect animals by impacting their ability to regulate body temperature. High humidity can make it harder for animals to cool down through evaporation, leading to potential heat stress or dehydration. On the other hand, low humidity can increase the risk of dehydration and respiratory issues in some animals.

Can bird eat fried food?

No I cant! If you feed a bird with fried food it will die!

How does high humidity affect transpiration?

High humidity reduces the rate of transpiration.

How does teperature affect humidity?

it doesn't

Does humidity affect COPD?


What food group are french fried onions in?

French fried onions are in the fats food group.

What is the effect of humidity and temperature on radioactive elements?

Humidity and temperature generally do not have a direct impact on the properties or behavior of radioactive elements. However, extreme variations in temperature or humidity could potentially affect the containers or storage facilities holding these elements, leading to potential leaks or other safety hazards. It is important to ensure proper storage conditions to prevent any unintended consequences.