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Q: Does baking soda harm Liver Disease patients?
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Beer Belly and liver disease or just a very bad liver, it can also harm your body in many other ways

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Any drug can harm the liver. Some drugs have the potential to cause more liver damage than other drugs.

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Dicontamination of your hands is doing a process of which your hands will become clean and not contaminated with microorganisms that may cause harm or disease in patients.

Will baking soda harm an unborn baby?

Baking soda, used in usual quantity, can do no harm to unborn baby.

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The best nesting for hamsters would probably be CareFRESH Ultra, because wood shavings can harm your hamster by giving it cancer or liver disease.

Do you suppose bloodletting by leeches was a good technique to cure psychosomatic illnesses?

Using leeches for bloodletting to treat psychosomatic illnesses is not considered an effective technique in modern medicine. Psychosomatic conditions involve a complex interplay of physical and psychological factors that require a holistic approach for treatment. Leech therapy is rarely utilized in contemporary healthcare practices due to the availability of more evidence-based and effective treatment options.

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water borne disease harm the body by causing disease such as typhoid malaria leprosy it is a spreadable disease

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No, it shouldn't

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never knowingly do harm to patients. protection of patients

Does Baking powder harm human body?

If your baking with it then yes but if your not then no. Don't even let your baby touch it when it is being used. In since its POWDER then it will defenetly not harm the baby