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Yes it does.

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Q: Does altitude affect oven temperature
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How does altitude affect oven temperature?

Altitude should not affect oven temperature but it will affect how much your baked goods will rise in the oven. It is always a good idea to have an oven thermometer in your oven to make sure that the oven is calibrated properly.

Is the temperature for poultry the same at high altitude?

yes the internal temperature for doneness is the same. But the length of time you roast it in the oven will vary from sea level to high altitude.

Does altitude and latitude affect the desert?

Yes it does. The higher the altitude, the cooler the temperature in general.

What the factors that affect air pressure?

temperature and altitude =D

3 factors that affect air pressure?

Altitude, temperature and humidity.

How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?

Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.

How does atmospheric parameters affect aircraft's lift and drag force generation while gaining altitude?

Temperature - low temperature gains altitude quicker Pressure - High pressure gains altitude quicker Density - Low density gains altitude quicker

What is a scientific question for a boiling water experiment?

How does the altitude at which water is boiled affect the temperature at which it boils?

What occurs when air temperature in the troposphere increases as altitude increases?

Typically, the air temperature in the troposphere decreases with altitude, following a pattern known as the environmental lapse rate. If the air temperature increases as altitude increases, it is referred to as a temperature inversion. Temperature inversions can trap pollutants and affect weather patterns by creating stable atmospheric conditions.

What are the four main factors that affect temperature?

The four main factors that affect temperature are latitude (distance from the equator), altitude (elevation above sea level), proximity to large bodies of water, and prevailing wind patterns.

Name three things that effect air pressure?

temperature, water vapor, and elevation.

How does altitude relate to temperature?

The higher the altitude the lower the temperature.