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You do if you want them to rise properly.

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Q: Do you have to put baking powder in muffins?
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Related questions

What can substitute for baking soda while baking muffins?

Baking powder and salt.

What caused the muffins to expand when they were baked?

the baking powder! when it reacts with the liquids, it expands and in almost every muffin recipie, there is baking powder

What would happen to the muffins if you were using baking soda in stead of baking powder?

They would not raise as much.

How much baking powder needed per cup of flour?

Most are made with yeast, so they don't contain any baking powder.

What is a fine powder that you put in baking?

Baking Powder

What happens to muffins if you leave out the baking powder?

when using a self rising mix not much , when using a plain mix the muffins wont "rise"

Why doesn't yeast make muffins rise?

Muffins are a type of "quick bread," which uses baking powder or baking soda as leavening. Yeast requires an hour or more to raise dough or batter, and produces a different crumb than desired in (American) muffins.

How much baking powder is needed for 3 cups of cake flour?

The amount of baking powder required depends entirely on what you intend to bake. Different types of cookies, muffins and other baked goods require different proportions of baking powder to flour.

Can you use self-raising flour for muffins?

Yes, self-raising flour will help make the muffins rise, while plain flour won't unless you add baking powder to the muffins.

Why does your zucchini muffin recipe call for baking soda and no baking powder?

Baking soda will cause things to rise also. Muffins are smaller so there is not as much need for lift. Baking powder will give more rise than soda. Whoever created the recipe chose to use soda instead of baking powder.

What is the review of related literature of using ripe bananas as leavening agent in making muffin?

Bananas are not the best leavening agent for muffins. Baking powder is the best leavening agent for baking. Bananas do not rise to the same degree as baking powder.

What happens if muffins under mixed?

you get chunks of flour and the other substances put in your muffin. When it's cooked the flour will not cook and you'll just bite into some flour or baking powder, not harmful.