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No, but when you total up all sources of ingested insects (accidental swallowing and bug bits in most food products at government permitted levels) it is more like a pound a year.

This is based in a year the average person in Europe and North America eats about:

  • 274 kilograms (602 pounds) of sugar
  • 60 kilograms (133 pounds) of vegetable oil
  • 43 kilograms (96 pounds) of protein
  • 18 kilograms (40 pounds) of fiber

This totals about 400 kg or 880 lb each year, with water in the food this comes to almost 750 kg/yr or 1500 lb/year. However some foods are not likely to contain insects or insect bits (sugar, protein, vegetable oil) so you are left with on the 40 lb of fiber to contain all the "bug bits"

From available data on Entomophagy (eating insects) it would appear that at most there would be a couple of milligrams of insect fragments in any given food per 10 gram sample - say 5mg/10g or 1 part bugs to 2000 parts food.

So, if you live mainly on cereals, breads, candy, peanut butter, and canned fruits and veggies you may get up to 1 lb/yr. A healthier diet will see a lot less.

An aside: Bugs aren't all that bad for you. They are a good source of protein. Many countries have a "bug enhanced" diet. In Europe and North America we happily eat bug derived products like honey, which is after all, just bee vomit.

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10y ago

According to the FDA, a person can consumer one pound of insects a year. The FDA allows a certain threshold of bug bits in processed foods.

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Q: Do you eat one pound of insects a day?
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Every single human eatsv about one pound of insects every year without even knowing it?

this is true, we eat at least a pound of insects each year without even knowing! It is usually when we eat cabbage or lettece without cleaning them!

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Does every single human being eat at least one pound of insects every year?

yes and it is very good for you

How many insects do humans eat?

it is said to believe that humans eat about one pound of insects every year without even knowing it! But that is just myth!! There is no scientific proof that we eat a pound of insects every year. There are insect pieces in almost all processed foods sold in any grocery store. How much processed food we eat determines how many bugs we eat. YAY!

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Do humans swallow one pound of insects every year without knowing?
