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Some plants do but it depends on what type of plants you are talking about. Basil, Parsley, and Tomatoes grow quickly here in Florida.

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Q: Do plants grow quick in hot countries?
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What plants can be grown in hot countries?

Plants that thrive in hot countries include succulents like cacti and aloe vera, as well as heat-tolerant herbs such as rosemary, basil, and thyme. Additionally, drought-resistant plants like bougainvillea, hibiscus, and agave can also flourish in hot climates.

What countries grow oranges?

Hot Countries like Spain grow oranges.

What does chocolate look like when it is growing?

chocolate doesnt just grow on trees, it is made from cocoa beans that grow in hot countries, these are long plants with coffee like beans on the tops.

Will plants grow faster in hot water or salt water?

No, most plants will not grow at all in salt water.

Why do you find rainforests in hot countries?

that lots of food can grow

Can celery grow in both hot and cold water?

Celery can grow in both hot and cold water, It helps only slightly for plants to grow in warmer water.

Does cold water help seeds grow or hot water?

cold because the plants won't grow if you use hot water. it will die

Which plants are found in hot and wet climate?

the hot wet is the tropic and torrid zone so almost all plants which grow in Dominica is found in the hot wet

What do grassland biomes have in common with deserts?

They both are hot and grow plants.

Do plants grow better hot or cold water?

warm water

What kind of plants grow well in hot climates?

date palms , cactus and plants with long roots.

Why don't gentian plants grow tall?

gentian plants dont grow very tall as they live in very hot areas so if you was to take out a plant and put in a pot in the sun it will die gentian plants do not grow very tall as they live invery hot places so there is not enough water to make them grow but there food keeps them alive