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You can but it has to have at least a 1/4 wholemeal ( the wholemeal it high in gluten which makes the bread separate into two sort of layers)( like pita) so the answer is a sort of.

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Q: Can you use white flour to make chapati?
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How many calories are there in one chapatti?

It really varies on the size of the chapati and how much ghee/butter was spread on it. If you use 2c. of whole wheat flour and 2T butter for eight chapatis, each one has 127cal. On the other hand, if you use 2c. white flour, make eight chapatis, and slather each with 1.5t. butter, each one will have 165cal. In short, there's no set answer, since it depends on the flour, the amount of fat, and the chapati size! Right, but if the flour is weighed and then the number of chapatis made from the pastry is recorded it is easy to calculate the calories. My data for chapati flour is 340 kcal for 100 grams. The butter used will need to be added of course. One cup of flour weighs about 250 grams. Using an 8 inch omlette pan and finishing under the grill the pastry will make about 10 chapatis which provide about 85 calories each plus any butter or ghee used.

Can you use white flour instead of barley flour?

YEs you can

What is the ratio of fat to flour in scones?

Use wholemeal flour instead of white - OR - replace some of the white flour with bran.

What did Griselda use to make her food in hansel and gretel story?

White flour and butter and eggs.

If you have no unbleached flour what kind of flour should you use?

Regular bleached white flour.

Can wheat flour be used instead of white flour in pizza?

"White flour" is wheat flour, it's just been processed in a slightly different way. It's perfectly fine to use whole wheat flour instead of white flour in a pizza crust.

What type of flour is best for making gnocchi?

Gnocchi is called a pasta but it really is not a pasta. It is made with just flour and potato. To make the best tasting gnocchi use regular plain white flour in your recipe.

Can whole wheat pastry flour be substituted for white flour?

White flour is wheat flour. The asker may intend to ask whether whole wheat flour can be substituted for white flour. The answer is yes, but the final product will be more dense and heavy than when made with white flour. Home bakers often compromise by replacing 1/3 to 1/2 of the flour in a recipe with whole wheat flour, then use white flour for the remaining amount.

Which flour is used to make pancakes?

Most people use an all-purpose white flour made from wheat, but I've seen recipes that called for whole wheat, rice, or buckwheat flours as well

What is the best kind of flour to use to make bread?

which is the best flour to make bread out of strong plain flour self rasing flour or plain flour