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Yes. But make sure to wipe it down a couple times with water after you get done cleaning it. It could produce toxic fumes.

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can you use oven cleaner on a toaster oven its a big one where it has a roast a chicken and a small turkey

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Q: Can you use oven cleaner in a toaster oven?
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Why do people use the toaster?

people use the toaster oven to toast bread.

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Do you still use a toaster oven?

You will still need it to do certain things a microwave can't.

Can I use the toaster oven to bake, or just to make toast?

Yes, you can use your toaster oven to bake. You can bake things such as cookies, pizza, or pot pies.

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What problem did the toaster solve?

well we use the oven toaster for bread, Pizza and things like that

How can I decide on the best toaster oven for my family?

Decide which functions you think your family will need from a toaster oven. If you intend to use it for breakfasts you want to make sure it has a bread toasting feature. Decide if your toaster will need to have a timer. Also take into account whether or not you intend to use your toaster oven as a second oven in which case you may want it to have a broiler function.

How to Clean a Toaster Oven?

Toaster ovens are a handy and compact modernized appliance that allows a person to cook with ease of use and unlimited potential. Eventually your toaster oven will need a good cleaning; follow these steps to keep it running in peak condition. ▪ Step 1: Unplug the toaster oven from the electrical source. This should go without being said but to be sure, never clean a toaster oven while it is still plugged in to an outlet. ▪ Step 2: Remove the crumb pan. Most, if not all, toaster ovens have a removable crumb pan. Remove this pan by either unlatching the door at the back of the toaster oven or on some models it can simply be removed from the front door. Consider holding the toaster oven over a garbage can or the sink or you will face cleaning up a pile of crumbs of the counter. ▪ Step 3: Clean the crumb pan. If discarding the crumbs off the pan reveals baked on food, you can soak this pan in the sink. After soaking you should be able to wash the pan with dish soap and cloth. For extra hard messes, use an abrasive cleaner and synthetic scrubbing pad. ▪ Step 4: Clean the toaster oven rack. Remove the rack from the toaster oven and clean in the sink in the same way as the crumb pan. Allow the rack to soak for baked on food. ▪ Step 5: Clean the interior of the toaster oven. Spray a degreaser onto the interior glass door and walls of the toaster oven and allow the degreaser to sit for the allotted time. If the interior walls needs to be scrubbed use a non-abrasive synthetic brush. Wipe the interior of the oven with a warm damp cloth to remove all of the degreaser. Avoid getting degreaser on or tamper with the elements, doing so could result in a fire when it’s turned on. ▪ Step 6: Clean the exterior of the toaster oven. Use a non-abrasive cleaner with a soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface. If your toaster oven is stainless steel, use a stainless steel cleaner to give the appliance a sparkling shine. A toaster oven will never replace a full-size oven nevertheless the ability to cook with a smaller appliance is most favorable. Cleaning your toaster oven appliance doesn’t need to be done often. A thorough clean to your toaster oven will keep it free from smoking and gleaming when your guests stop by for dinner.

Which is an example of thermal expansion a toaster oven a microwave oven a refrigerator or a thermostat?

toaster oven

Should I use oven cleaner on top of my stove?

ONLY if the oven cleaner is of the non-abrasive type !

Is there such a thing as a toaster oven with also a toaster, so you can toast bread while baking something?

You can use a toaster oven to toast. However, you can not bake and toast at the same time. That would lead to burning the toast.

Where can you get a knob for your toastmaster toaster?

I have a Toastmaster Toaster Oven model TOV350B and need the heating plate which can be taken out and washed after every use