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In a gas oven, yes. But NOT in a microwave.

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Q: Can you use microwave with metal skewer in potato?
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Can you use metal in a convection oven?

Typically, you cannot use metal in a microwave oven. In combination type microwaves however, you can use metal as long as it is in convection mode.

What do I use the metal rack that comes inside of the microwave for?

The metal rack is used so you can have multiple items in the microwave at the same time.

Can you use ever-silver utensils in microwave oven?

No metal object should be used in a microwave.

Can you use an old fashioned white enamelled metal plate in the microwave?

No, the core is metal and will cause sparks and possible damage to the microwave oven.

How do you grill potato tikkas with less oil in a Samsung microwave with grill?

You can use olive oil to grill potato tikkas in a Samsung Microwave. The olive oil just needs to be drizzled over the potatoes before cookies.

Can you use a metal baking pan in a microwave oven?

NO! that is very dangerous. Microwaves go through ceramic.

Is a microwave safe to use after the the waxy cardboard covering the vent hole has been burnt up after placing metal in the microwave?

no no

What are the common causes that could damage a microwave?

If you use anything that has any metal whatsoever on or in it, that can damage the microwave.

What type of utensils you can use in microwave oven in convection modeto make cake. can you use microwave safe glass bowl which came free with microwave?

A person can use plastic bowls that come with microwaves when warming food in a microwave. Metal can not be used in microwaves, because it can cause the microwave to catch fire.

Why you can't put metal plate in the microwave oven?

Metal plates in the microwave can cause sparks, potentially damaging the appliance or starting a fire. Metal reflects microwaves, causing them to bounce around the walls of the oven and creating electrical currents on the metal plate. It is safer to use microwave-safe materials such as glass or ceramic.

Microwave sweet potato?

Yes! It is possible to cook a sweet potato in the microwave. I have not conducted this experiment though i know that it is possible though the results may not be suitable for eating since if you take a sweet potato and plop it in the microwave whole, there is a large chance the outside wil get burnt and the inside cold or slightly warm. � you are welcome :) Although its possible, its not advised since microwaves can destroy vitamins and minerals.