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Q: Can you use foil instead of parchment paper?
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What can you use instead of baking paper for meringues?

Instead of baking paper, you can use nonstick cooking spray, wax paper, parchment paper, silicone sheets, or teflon. Some people would see baking paper and parchment paper as the same exact things.

What can you use instead of wax paper for the perler beads?

You can actually use parchment paper too. If you loose the paper that the perler beads come with, use wax, parchment, printer, or foam paper. You can also use sketch book paper.

Can YOU make jolly rancher lollipops without parchment paper?

I use aluminum foil and they release beautifully once cooled.

Is there a substitute for parchment paper in baking?

I've used foil when I was truly desparate, but I wouldn't advise it. Whatever you do, don't use regular paper or paper bags because they WILL IGNITE. Funny Thanksgiving story behind that one...

Can you use baking paper instead of ironing sheet?

You can use baking paper instead of ironing sheet for various projects. This can be used for parchment purposes, dyeing and pigmentation purposes.

If i use parchment paper instead of wax paper for pumpkin roll does paper need to be greased?

You can bake pumpkin rolls on parchment paper, which will help remove any excess fat and allow them to achieve a nice golden tone.

Can you line pan with butter and flour instead of parchment paper?

well, i just use butter and that works alright... so i guess its yes

Out of wax paper for pumpkin roll recipewhat can you use instead?

You could try parchment paper, a non-stick silicon mat, buttered baking sheet with a light coating of flour, or non-stick baking spray.

I was watching drive ins diners and dives on tv and they covered a meatloaf with plastic wrap then alum. foil to bake. Is this a special kind of plastic wrap?

It is possible that they were using parchment paper. I did not see the show, so I cannot say for certain. Parchment paper is kind of a cross between wax paper and plastic wrap. The difference is that parchment paper is safe for use in the oven.

What you can use to cover the cake in oven instead of aluminium paper?

You can use parchment paper or a silicone baking mat to cover the cake in the oven instead of aluminum foil. Both options will help protect the cake from direct heat while allowing it to bake evenly.

What to use instead of pie weights when baking?

You can line the crust with parchment or foil and weigh it down with dry beans (don't try to cook them after they've baked - they are hard as rocks).

Are the paper bags used at Kroger safe to roast a turkey in?

No I would not cook anything in a paper bag. Use cooking foil instead.