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You can, but the coffee will be quite weak, the first 'perk' gets the best flavour and strength from the coffee.

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Q: Can you re-perk coffee grounds
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Is cat feces coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds is ground coffee.

What are coffee grounds made from?

Coffee grounds are made by grinding up coffee with a coffee grinder.

Are coffee grounds harmful to people?

Coffee grounds are not harmful to people.

1.75 oz of coffee grounds will make how much cofffee?

You have 1.75ounces of coffee grounds how much coffee does it

Do used coffee grounds repel bears?

Coffee grounds can repel deer, but they do not work on bears.

Should coffee grounds be removed after after percing coffee?

No never leave grounds in the thing you use

Are coffee grounds alive?

No, they are not.

Would a mulch of coffee grounds harm earthworms?

No. Coffee grounds are good for worms. They assist in the worm's digestion.

How would you get the smell of gasoline out of your car?

Coffee grounds. Buy some coffee grounds from the store. Spray the area that the gasoline spilled in your car with some water and then rub in the coffee grounds. WAit a few hours or even a day or two and then vaccuum out the coffee grounds. and the smell should be gone!

Are coffee grounds acid or alkaline?

coffee is a ground acid.

Can coffee grounds repel bears?

Not likely. Coffee grounds are food with a strong odor. Food smells will attract bears.

Can coffee filters remove bacteria?

Coffee filters keep the coffee grounds from falling into the finished coffee during brewing. Coffee grounds are necessary for percolating, but are not good to drink because they have an unpleasant texture. Coffee filters are very effective for this purpose.