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You should never thaw out any meat product, cook it, and the re-freeze it. This is because all meat contains a level of harmful bacteria. When you freeze it these bacteria do not stop multiplying but do so at a much reduced rate; this, incidentally, is why you need to know the "star" rating of your freezer, different star ratings indicate how low a temperature is reached by it so: 1 star = eat within 1 month of freezing, 2 star = 2 months, 3 stars = 3 months.

As the meat thaws out the rate at which the bacteria multiply speeds up, a rate which will be further increased as it's cooked (cooking will never reach the temperature required to kill off bacteria). It will, however, still be at safe levels. These levels will remain safe for a day or two after cooking.

If, however, after cooking you re-freeze the meat the levels of harmful bacteria in it will be far higher than they were when it was originally frozen. Now when you thaw the meat out and harmful bacteria begin to multiply at an increased rate the thawing process is starting with high levels of bacteria to begin with. Having thawed out these may well now be at dangerous levels.

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11y ago
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11y ago

Ya, but it would be different once you freeze it. (DON'T EAT IT WHATEVER YOU DO)

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13y ago

I wouldn't. Raw meat seven days old is usually bad. I wouldn't use any meat over 3 days in the refrigerator.

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