Shake N Bake would turn to mush or merely dissolve into the broth in a slow cooker. Shake N Bake is designed to be used with the dry heat of baking.
yes lyrics:shake n bake you wanna shoe SHke shAKE AND THEN YOU BAKE BAKE BAKE
Yes, you can use Pork Shake 'n' Bake on chicken if you want. Pork and chicken are both white meat so there isn't a whole lot of difference.
Bake McBride goes by Shake n' Bake.
You can use shake n bake on anything, beef, chicken, potatoes whatever you fancy...
Ernie Renda in the 1967 championship
Shake N Bake
chicken and shake n bake with a side of cheesy mashed potatos.
well you can you use season salt
I think you're referring to the code to Stay Beautiful, which is Shake 'n' Bake
Shake 'n' Vac was created in 1980.
The population of Steak 'n Shake is 7,667.