What is the duration of The Color of Pomegranates?
The duration of The Color of Pomegranates is 1.3 hours.
Why dishes are enhanced by pomegranates?
Pomegranates can give foods a sweet-sour taste. Cooking with
pomegranates can also give foods a crunchy taste. Pomegranates are
high on antioxidants that can help prevent heart diseases and
What are granadas?
Are pomegranates bad for you?
Where do you use the pomegranates on Mythology island?
Use the pomegranates as an offering in the Temple of Hades, and
you can enter his realm.
Who do you give the pomegranates to in mytholagy in poptropica?
You give the pomegranates to the Underworld god, Hades. You walk
over to the locked door then use the pomegranates. Your person puts
the pomegranate on the table and the door opens.
What are the ratings and certificates for The Golden Pomegranates - 1924?
The Golden Pomegranates - 1924 is rated/received certificates