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The egg does not float with just baking soda and water you must add a lot of salt to the mixture and then the egg will float.

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13y ago

i actually don t know about an egg floating on water with baking soda but if you really want to make it float so you have to add very much salt in water and then it will float

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11y ago

Because of the density of the salt and baking soda.

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11y ago

because of the density of baking soda

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Q: Can an egg float on salt water and baking soda water at the same time?
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Do objects float the same in salt water and fresh water?

No, objects tend to float higher in salt water compared to fresh water. This is because salt water is denser than fresh water, providing more buoyant force to floating objects.

Will pressure be the same for salt water and fresh water be the same if dept is the same?

Not really. Salt water is denser(that's why you float better in the sea), so pressure will be greater.

Why do eggs float to the top in salt water?

This had to do with density. When you put the egg into the water, it sinks as it is more dense than the water. However, if you add salt in the water, it becomes salt water and makes the water more dense than the egg so the egg can float. It is the same reason why people float in the dead sea. The dead sea is very salty and is more dense than humans. That's why we float so well in the dead sea.

Why does salt water make stuff float than fresh water?

Salt water is denser than fresh water due to the dissolved salt molecules, which increases the water's mass. This higher density creates more buoyant force, enabling objects to float more easily in salt water compared to fresh water.

Which water requires the greatest amount of salt to float an egg?

There aren't different types of water (unless you count water with different levels of impurities, but in most cases the impurities will have the same effect as the salt, so it is just the purer water that needs more 'added' salt)

Why did density have to do with salt and egg float?

Put an egg in fresh water and it will sink. Put the egg in heavily salted water and it will float near the surface. This is because the salt makes the water more dense and able to support more weight. The same goes for a ship. A ship will settle lower in fresh water and the same ship will float higher in the oceans.

How does the amount of salt makes the ability of objects to float?

Salt water is more dense than water, so displacing the same volume of salt water as fresh water, yields a higher bouyancy force.

What has the same properties like salt?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has similar properties to salt in terms of its texture, solubility in water, and ability to enhance flavor. Both salt and baking soda can be used for cooking, cleaning, and preserving food.

Will ice melt faster baking soda salt or ice itself?

Ice will melt faster with salt than with baking soda. Salt lowers the freezing point of water, making it easier for the ice to melt. Baking soda, on the other hand, does not have the same effect on melting ice as salt.

What will float in saltwater but not float in tap water?

Objects that contain a higher density that water will sink, but if the same object has a lower density that saltwater, then it will float in salt water. And this also depends on the concentration of sodium ions present in the salt water. As the concentration of the sodium ions increase, the density of the salt water increases.

Why would an object float higher in salt water then fresh water?

In salt water the water is more dense but in regular water the water isn't as dense so it couldn't float an object higher than salt water.More specifically, an object that floats in a liquid exactly displaces an amount of liquid having the same mass as the object. This is called bouyancy. Since the density (mass per volume) of salt water is greater than that of fresh water, an object will displace less volume, i.e. float higher in the salt water, than it would in fresh water.

If salt water was added to another liquid would an egg still float?

That depends entirely on the liquid. If you are mixing salt into water, then yes. But only if you mix in enough. Fresh water has a density of 1.0, while saltwater has a density of 1.025. The more salt, the higher the density. Since the egg's density stays the same, you should get it to float if you mix in enough salt.