

Best Answer

Yes, a laminate floor will do just fine in your kitchen. Unlike wood floors, the laminate is very resistant to damage from moisture.

Be sure the sub-floor is prepared properly, however! Sever water damage to a sub-floor can cause warping and buckling if the proper materials are not used. If this happens, damage to the sub-floor will telegraph problems into your new laminate floor, causing it to warp and buckle as well.

Hire a qualified contractor to install your floor who knows what he's doing and who follows all appropriate building codes.

But a sloppy dog probably isn't much to worry about. :)

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Q: Can a laminate floor be put in the kitcheni have a dog who slops water?
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Can you clean laminate flooring with steam?

No!!!! Please don't do this. You will ruin your floor. no, never. Steam cleaners and steam mops leave to much water on a laminate floor.

Can you use steam cleaner on laminate floors?

no, never. Steam cleaners and steam mops leave to much water on a laminate floor.

Can you use a steam cleaner or mop on laminate flooring?

It is NOT recommended to use a steam cleaner on laminate flooring. Water and laminate do not mix, neither does water and hardwood. Ask these steam cleaning manufacturers if they will replace your floors when they get damaged!AnswerNEVER! AnswerNo!!!! Please don't do this. You will ruin your floor. Answerno, never. Steam cleaners and steam mops leave to much water on a laminate floor. I did, just once, and the floor now crackles all over whenever you step on it.It is best to consult the manufacturer of your floor, but I would be hesitant to try it. It is usually not recommended to use water to clean laminate flooring.

Can i put laminate floor in a bathroom?

yes you can but remember it is not designed for excessive or standing water contact.

Is vinegar and water an effective floor cleaner?

Smelly but yes, BUT NEVER use it on wood or Laminate

How do you make own cleaner for laminate flooring?

A lot of laminate cleaners are just vinegar and water. The key though with safely cleaning the floor is to not putting a lot of cleaner on the floor. Put the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the floor floor and clean up with a terry cloth mop.

How long does water need to be on a laminate floor before damage occurs?

if the water is on the surface of the laminate: months. If the water finds its way to the substrate (at a joint or crack) then it depends on the substrate, it could cause damage in minutes or hours.

Does Wilsonart provide waterproof laminate floor tiles for the bathroom?

No, Wilsonart does not provide waterproof laminate floor tiles for the bathroom instead they offer porcelain and ceramic tiles with the ratings of PEI 4 and 5 that are completely water resistant.

How do you clean a hardwood laminate floating floor without damaging it Are those swiffer wet jets safe?

Swiffer Wet Jets are safe for laminate flooring. To clean a hardwood laminate floor without damaging it, you should use a mop and hot water. Wring the mop out so it is not dripping wet.

Would water damage laminate floor?

yes water can get in the small gaps where the floor is locked together and soften the tongue and groove causing the gaps to bubble and look ugly over time

Is it ok to use water and vinegar on laminate floors?

Yes, water and vinegar can be used on laminate floors as a natural cleaning solution. However, it is important to use a damp mop and not soak the floors as excessive moisture can cause damage. Make sure to dry the floors thoroughly after cleaning.