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Q: Are there going to be more cake decorating jobs in the future?
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What does a job mean?

It is referring to the future of job availability. It is an attempt to predict the unemployment rates and what jobs are going to be available in the future.

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It is referring to the future of job availability. It is an attempt to predict the unemployment rates and what jobs are going to be available in the future.

Where can one find a work from home job?

To work at home one could consider jobs like technical support, daycare, medical billing, and selling insurance. One could also offer massage therapy or cake decorating.

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steve jobs did prepare for his future...

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Will there be jobs in the future?

yes there be jobs in the future because the people that work right know are getting old and/ or quit

In the near future will there be anymore jobs for a mechanic?

There will always be a need for mechanics. Even if we go to battery powered cars or hover cars or planes in the future - somebody still has to maintain them and keep them going.

In the future how many jobs will be open for dental hygienist?

over 500 jobs

Is there going to be ipod touch 5g?

yes before steve jobs die i think he told everyone what to mske in the future and ipod5 will be release one day!!

Are there any future shop jobs available in the United States?

Future Shop is a major electronics store in Canada, but it does not have any stores in the US. That means that all of the jobs in Future Shop are outside the US.

What are the prospects for restaurant jobs going forward five years?

Job prospects for laid-off autoworkers who lack skills. restaurant jobs have a mixed emotion prospects in the coming five years. the future depends a lot on economy . there will always be need for restaurants, so jobs will be available

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future what will happen next