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The bricks in firebricks are not regular bricks. They are mortared together with a heat resistant mortar which actually has the consistency of a glue. The bricks themselves are compromised of fire resistant materials which will actually absorb the heat and store it. A regular brick would crack, not get hot enough and break apart.

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How do you get blue Lego bricks?

You can get blue bricks from just go to pick a brick.

What can you make with clay on minecraft?

You can make bricks by putting clay in a furnace and smelting it.

What is the brick limit on roblox?

There is none. You just keep building until your computer freezes from all the bricks. :3

What color is a brick?

Man made bricks are usually red or black or grey. This is just the way people paint them.

What do you call sun baked bricks?

They are just called bricks.Becoming more detailed you can say, sun bathed brick.

How many Legos are in one dollar?

Hmm. That is an interesting question. LEGO bricks don't actually make dollars, although there are LEGO bricks that resemble coins and dollars. If you mean one of those, you could say one. If you mean how many LEGO bricks can you buy for a dollar, that depends on what shape the bricks are. In the LEGO Pick-a-Brick store, where you can buy them by the brick, a regular 2X4 black brick is 30 cents, so you could buy 3 for a dollar. If you wanted a 1x1, they are 10 cents, so you could get 10. If you wanted to buy just the head of a minifigure, they are 25 cents, so you could get 4.

What is brick veneer?

Brick veneer is thin slabs of cast stone that look just like bricks. They are usually about 3/8 thick, and can be glued on to make any surface look like a brick wall.

How were bricks made in ancient Egypt?

Egyptians invented the brick mold around 3400 B.C. They would just fill it with mud let it dry and it would be in a brick shape.

How many bricks equal 400 sq ft?

If you are using the red brick which are 4" x 8" you will need 4.5 bricks per square foot (just call it five.) 5 x 400 is 2000 bricks.

Do any of the yellow brick road bricks still exist?

no. no more exist. the last one that did exist was in Wizard of OZ..

Fix large hole in brick wall?

If it's a circular hole, I suggest measuring the radius, building up a mini wall of bricks, drawing the whole with chalk on the bricks, and sawing away until you get the shape, then mount it in the hole, and paint over the paste (once dried) with same color as your bricks. If the hole goes along with the lines of the brick, just get more bricks and stack them to fit it. Hope that helps! Note: you can remove bricks that have been damage by working on the mortar. With a hammer and chisel, chip away at the mortar to remove bricks. After bricks have been removed, clean away mortar from the other bricks by carefully chipping away. Butter the bricks (apply new mortar to sides where new bricks will touch them) and add a new brick. As long as the new bricks that you are using are of the same size as the old bricks, you should be able to fit them in the hole.

Where can one find more information about Sonic Legos?

You can find information about Sonic Legos on the official Legos website. Some other options include Brickset, Brick Show, Brick Picket, Just Bricks and Brick Instructions.