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Q: Are mango peelings flammable
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Related questions

Utilization of mango peelings into jelly?

Mango peelings can be utilized to make mango peel jelly by boiling the peelings with water and sugar to create a syrup, straining out the peelings, and adding pectin to thicken the mixture into jelly. This is a sustainable way to reduce food waste and create a unique and flavorful jelly product.

Is orange juice flammable?

oranges are flammable because of the oils in their skins.

How utilization of mango peelings into jelly?

me too i need this pls.. answer this question

Can you produce fabric dyes from mango peelings?

Yes, you can extract fabric dyes from mango peelings. Mango peelings contain tannins and other compounds that can produce yellow to brown dye colors. By boiling the mango peelings in water and then steeping fabric in the liquid, you can transfer the dye to the fabric.

Is it good to eat peelings from fruits?

No its not but peelings from bananas help itchy bugs bites! :)

Do horses eat peelings?

Some horses love peelings, depending on what fruit or veggie they came from. Carrot or apple peelings are a great treat for a horse as long has they are fresh.

Does banana peelings can be eaten?

Of course banana peelings can't be eaten!! Well, its not meant to be eaten..

Can deer eat potato peelings?

yes a deer can eat potato peelings but they eat potatoes

Can pomelo peelings be a charcoal?

Pomelo peelings can be used as a natural charcoal since they contain a high carbon content and can be burned to create heat. However, the quality of the charcoal may not be as high as commercially produced charcoal due to variations in the burning process and impurities present in the peelings.

Can banana peelings?

Of course

Can potato peelings help you grow?


What is right peelings or peels?
