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you can say:

"Me too."



"We feel similarly."


"That's what I was going to say!"

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Q: Another way to say we have same feelings for you?
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What do you do if i like someone but they dont feel the same way?

Find someone new. You can not change another person's feelings.

What should i say if i don't have the same feelings as i did when i met my boyfriend?

If you don't have the same feelings as you did when you met him, tell him you don't feel the same way and you don't want to hurt him because it would hurt you and ask if you both can remain friends.

How do you tell your husband your in love with a girl?

it is best to tell him to his face rather than another way you cant help it if you have feelings for the same sex.

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monica theres not another way to say it in english it stays the same

What is another way to say Jail?

'Gaol' is an old spelling, but pronounced the same.

How do you say feelings in Arabic?

Feelings : masha'er or Ahasees ( in Arabic ). it is written this way : مشاعر, احاسيس

What if a boy in love with you in he tell you what do you say?

If a boy tells you he is in love with you, it's important to be honest with your feelings. If you feel the same way, express it openly and see where the relationship can go. If you don't feel the same way, kindly let him know and communicate your feelings respectfully. Communication and honesty are key in any relationship.

What is another way to say you have?

you've got is another way to say you have.

How do you say mom?

Same way you do. If you want to know how to say it in another language, you need to put the name of the language in your question.

Is it correct to say i agree by you?

No. If you are trying to say that you have the same opinion as another person, the correct way to say it is "I agree with you."

What are things you could sing about?

Your feelings. Singing is the best way to say your true feelings on what you think and how you feel.

What if a guy friend says I love you?

she most likely has strong feelings towards this guy and if this guy has strong feelings towards her he should express it to her in a way that is appropiate but if the guy is not feeling the same way he needs to let her know that they can be friends so she does not get led on and have her feelings hurt or her heart broke