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Installing a ceiling fan is an easy way to save money on your energy costs. A ceiling fan uses much less energy than an air conditioner, and the breeze it creates helps you feel cooler even with your thermostat set higher. If you already have an overhead light fixture, installing a ceiling fan with a light kit in its place is not difficult.

It's important to choose the right ceiling fan for your room, though, to maximize your energy savings. There are two aspects to consider--the wall to wall size of your room and the floor to ceiling height of your room.

Most ceiling fans come in one of three standard sizes. The size is determined by the length of the fan blades. A 36 ceiling fan is good for a room that's 12 feet from wall to wall or less. Choose a 42 ceiling fan for rooms that are between 12 and 15 feet across. Use a 52 fan for rooms between 15 and 18 feet across.

If your room is larger than 18 feet across, you should install two ceiling fans on opposite sides of the room to maximize air flow.

These measurements are important, because too small of a ceiling fan won't create enough air flow to allow you to comfortably set your thermostat higher. Too large of a fan can be overpowering.

The second consideration is your floor to ceiling height, which will let you know whether to buy a ceiling fan that mounts flush to the ceiling or one that comes with a down rod to let it hang lower than the ceiling. You'll want to choose a fan that will hang between seven and nine feet from the floor. Most down rods are somewhat adjustable, but make sure the one you choose will let your fan hang within that range.

Keep in mind that if your fan has a light kit, the lights will hang lower than the fan blades. You may want to have the fan hang closer to the nine foot mark so the light is still above the seven foot mark.

Another consideration in choosing a ceiling fan is blade type. A greater number of narrow blades creates more of a breeze, while fewer paddle blades create air flow without feeling as much of a breeze.

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Q: Choosing the Right Ceiling Fan For Your House?
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Wiring A Ceiling Fan?

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How To Stay Safe When You Install A Ceiling Fan?

Many homeowners decide to install a ceiling fan to modernize a room, and the right ceiling fan can help you cut your energy costs while providing a pleasant aesthetic sense to any room. However, you’ll need to be very careful when you install the ceiling fan to avoid injuries or damage to the ceiling fan itself. First of all, make sure that all power is shut off to the ceiling fan. Otherwise, you’ll risk electrocution. If you’re not sure which breaker or fuse is used to control the power to your ceiling fan, turn off all of the power to your house. When you install a ceiling fan, it’s important to be very careful, and this begins with electrical current. Taking down an old ceiling fan is a necessary step before you install a new ceiling fan, so carefully remove one fan blade at a time before removing the rest of the old fan. Support the old fan carefully. If necessary, get someone to help you remove the old ceiling fan safely, and be careful not to tear the electrical wires attaching the old fan to your house’s electrical systems. Installing the ceiling fan can take some time, but resist the urge to pre-assemble it, as this will make it much more difficult to properly wire the fan into the ceiling. Follow the instructions included with your ceiling fan carefully, including wiring instructions. Keep plenty of electrical tape on hand, and when the ceiling fan has been wired up, test it by turning on the power before you attach the fan blades. This way, if you made any mistakes when wiring the fan, you’ll be able to correct them without too much of a hassle. If you’re uncomfortable when working with electrical wiring or if you don’t think you can handle the ceiling fan installation, you can usually get a professional to help you out for about $100 or so, depending on where you live. This isn’t a bad idea if you’re at all confused about the instructions for installing a ceiling fan, but if you’ve got your bearings, get to it--installing a ceiling fan should be a simple task.

Does a ceiling fan break in?

It should not be necessary to 'break in' a ceiling fan.

Looking at a ceiling fan which way is clock wise?

When observing a ceiling fan from below, the direction of the blades moving clockwise would typically be in a clockwise motion.

How to select a ceiling fan?

An excellent addition to any room of a house is a ceiling fan.%C2%A0 A ceiling fan can be a great addition to any home decor, an excellent source or light, and a great way to save money on your air conditioning bills.%C2%A0 While a ceiling fan can make for a great addition, knowing how to selecting the right ceiling fan for a room of your house is very important. %C2%A0 The first factor to consider when selecting the right ceiling fan for your home is to consider the size of the ceiling fans.%C2%A0 Ceiling fan sizes are measured by the diameter of the fan.%C2%A0 Most ceiling fan diameters range from around 42 inches up to 60 inches.%C2%A0 Generally, the larger the diameter of the fan, the more air power the fan will produce.%C2%A0 However, you must also consider the size of the room when selecting the size of the ceiling.%C2%A0 A small bedroom would do well with a 42 inch fan.%C2%A0 A larger living room would benefit from a fan of 50 inches or more and a 60 inch fan would work well with a very large great room. %C2%A0 The next factor to consider is the style of the fan that you want.%C2%A0 When you go to a home store or a home improvement store there will be plenty of fans to choose from.%C2%A0 You will want to make sure that the style matches the rest of the room that the fan is going in.%C2%A0 Furthermore, if the fan is going to replace an existing light box, then you should select a fan that will also have a light source.%C2%A0 %C2%A0 The ceiling height must also be considered when you are purchasing a ceiling fan.%C2%A0 Most ceiling fans come with a short stem that is used for installation.%C2%A0 This stem, which is around 4 inches in length, is fine for a room that has ceiling of 8 feet or less.%C2%A0 If your room has higher ceilings, then you will need to select a stem extension.%C2%A0 Stem extensions are available in a variety of sizes that range from a few extra inches to a few additional feet.%C2%A0

What brands can be found at a ceiling fan store?

Some ceiling fan brands include: Hunter, Minka Aire, Westinghouse, Emerson, Monte Carlo, Progress, Savoy House, Faninmation, Casablanca, and much more!

Is a black ceiling fan more becoming then a white ceiling fan?

There is no actual real significant difference, besides the color. A black ceiling fan works the exact same as a white ceiling fan. Of course, the brand of the fan might make a difference, though the color of the fan will not.

Why are ceiling fans reversible?

In the winter as you heat your house, the hottest air rises to the ceiling. Ceiling fans are reversible so that you can push this warm air off of the ceiling in the winter. Of course, you will most likely want to run the fan on its lowest speed, since a draft from the fan can actually make you feel colder.