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A battery gauge "moves up and down" while running because of fluctuations in the voltage output of the circuit which it is connected to. This may be because of equipment on the circuit.

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Q: Why does a battery gauge moves up and down while the engine is running?
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Why the battery gauge moves up and down while running?

Can be loose connections or the alternator is failing.

Is your battery weak if your voltage gauge moves down?

Weak battery, or weak alternator.

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Check the wire to the sensor and be sure it is hooked up. If so remove it from the sending unit. Turn the ignition and have someone watch the gauge while you ground it to the engine. If it moves the sender is bad.

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i have a 1993 190E - my oil pressure gauge always sits on 3. ==New Answer Haedline == The oil pressure gauge actually moves but is related to several factors Engine Temprature Oil viscosity Engine speed. When you start you car the engine temperature is low the gauge goes to 3, after a long drive/travel and if your temp gets to 80C then with an engine speed of 750-800 RPM you oil pressure gauge will read about 1.5. if you rev. the engine the pressure gauge goes up to 3

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When the temperature or boil light is on the gauge moves into the red what is the proper response?

Pull over when it is safe to do so then shut the engine off. If you continue to drive the vehicle catastrophic damage to the engine can occur.

When the temperature or boil lights is on or the gauge moves into the red what is the proper response?

Pull over when it is safe to do so then shut the engine off. If you continue to drive the vehicle catastrophic damage to the engine can occur.

When the temperature or boil light is on or the gauge moves into the red what is the proper response?

Pull over when it is safe to do so then shut the engine off. If you continue to drive the vehicle catastrophic damage to the engine can occur.

Why is it when your temperature gauge does not move you do not get heat when your gauge moves you get heat in your Ford Taurus?

The gauge does not cause the heat; it only shows what it is.

Why does my engine overheat?

as it works or moves it gets hot and eventually over heats. think of it as a human running the person eventually gets hot

When the temperature or boil light is on or gauge moves into the red what is the proper response?

Pull over when it is safe to do so then shut the engine off. If you continue to drive the vehicle catastrophic damage to the engine can occur.