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James Russel

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Q: Who invented cds?
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Who invented CDs and DVDs?

James Russell invented the compact disk in 1965.

What are some things that were invented after 1978?

CDs, iPods, MP3s.

Where was the first ever CD invented?

Eindhoven, the Netherlands.It was first releast in Japan

How many Cds did Elvis Presley make?

He did not make any. CD's were not invented until well after he died.

Which one is better cds or vinyl records?

cds are better cds are better

John has 15 more cds than micheal together they have a total of 55 cds how many cds does micheal have?

20 cds

Why a CD drive cannot run a DVD while a DVD player is able to run cds?

Well now, think about it. CDs were invented years before DVDs, so it's likely that CD drives will not incorporate the advanced technology needed to run DVDs.

John has 15 more music CDs than Michael. Together they have a total of 55 CDs. How many CDs does Michael have?

Michael has 20 CDs

John has 15 more music cds than Michael together they have a total of 55 cds how many cds does Michael have?

Michael has 20 CDs

Did RCA invent the first compact disc?

For many years CDs were the only digital form of music available. They were not invented by RCA. The first compact disc was invented by James Russell. At the time Russell worked for General Electric.

Why did the price of prerecorded cassettes fall dramatically when compact discs became widely available in 1991?

Because CDs are better than tapes (for a multitude of reasons). Before CDs, manufacttureres could sell tapes at high prices because there was no better alternative. However when CDs were invented, if taped had stayed at the same inflated prices, nobody would have bought them, so the price had to come down or manufacturers would have loads of tapes priced really high, competing with (better) CDs.

Kayla has x Cds in her music collection if miriam has 7 fewer Cds than Kayla how many Cds does Miriam have?

Since there isn't enough data to actually find the number of Cds miriam has, we must simply write and expression for the number of Cds she has. Since Kayla has x Cds and Miriam has seven less;Miriam has x-7 Cds.