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Nichrome wire. An alloy of Nickel and Chromium.

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Q: What type of substance would you use as a heating coil in an electric toaster?
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How do you top-broil?

You would top-broil in a stoves broiling drawer if it has a flame or electric heating unit above it. You can also use an electric toaster/oven/broiler with a broil setting for an overhead heating element.

Why does a toaster sink?

Sink in what water? Well, not taking in account that the electric wires in the toaster shouldn't be immersed in water, a toaster would sink because its density is greater that of water. Had it been less the toaster would float.

Which type of substance would you use as a heating coil in an electric toasters?

I believe I would select NiChrome wire. It has a high resistance for a metal and is not particularly toxic or expensive.

What would happen if you put bacon in the toaster?

Toasters are not designed to cook sausage or any other type of meat. The fat in sausage would drip on the heating elements of the toaster and cause a fire. So, in effect, you better have house insurance...

What part of the toaster would you expect the earth wire to be connected?

The earth wire would typically be connected to the metal casing of the toaster. This is to provide a safe path for electric current to flow in case of a fault, protecting users from electrical shock.

What would incease the temperature of a substance?

Heating up by putting in energy (heat)

How can electric heating systems be more reliable than gas heating systems?

Research has not provided any conclusive evidence as to why an electric heating system would be more reliable than a gas heating system. It is believed that both are equally reliable, and for cost efficiency it is quite a bit cheaper to heat with gas than it is with electric heat.

Explain why it is likely that wires in a toaster are made of copper?

Copper is a good conductor of electricity, making it ideal for transmitting the electric current in a toaster efficiently. Additionally, copper is durable, heat-resistant, and readily available, making it a cost-effective choice for toaster wiring.

What is wasted energy in a toaster?

Wasted energy in a toaster typically comes from heat loss through the toaster casing, radiant heat that escapes into the surrounding environment, and electrical energy converted to heat that is not used for toasting the bread. To reduce wasted energy, you can minimize the time the toaster is left on when not in use and consider using a toaster oven instead, which may be more energy efficient for certain tasks.

What part of an electric circuit would you use if you pushed the handle down on a toaster which caused the wires to heat up and turn red?


What happened when sparky crossed the wires for his electric blanket and his toaster?

If Sparky crossed the wires of his electric blanket and toaster, there would likely be a short circuit, leading to a potential risk of electric shock, overheating, or even fire. It is extremely dangerous to mix different electrical devices in this way, so it should be avoided at all costs.

Is a heating coil on an electric stove a conductor of electricity?

Yes a heating coil is a conductor of electricity, other wise it would not heat up.