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1.5V if measured across the + and - terminals, otherwise 0V. When measured at points with identical potential (voltage), there is no difference between voltage levels and no current flows.

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Q: What is the total voltage of 2 1.5 voltage cells where the minus is facing the minus?
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A battery containing five 2V cells connected in series has a total voltage of?

10 volts. The formula to work that out is: quantity of cells*voltage of cells

What is the total voltage of a battery containing five 2 V cells connected in series?

Total voltage output of 5 2v cells connected in series would be 10v

Three electric cells each have a voltage of 1.3Vwhat is the total voltage of the three cells if the cells are connected in parallel?

voltage is still 1.3V in parallel circuit, voltage stays the same but current adds up in series circuit, voltage adds up but current stays the same

What is the voltage of a battery of three cells if one is connected the wrong way round?

The voltage of a battery with three cells connected in series is the sum of the individual cell voltages. If one cell is connected the wrong way round, the total voltage will be reduced by the voltage of that cell.

How can cells be connected together to get a higher voltage?

Cells can be connected in series to increase voltage. When cells are connected in series, the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the next cell, resulting in the voltages of each cell adding up to create a higher total voltage. This is commonly seen in batteries to increase the output voltage for various applications.

What is the voltage of dry cells in opposition?

In a voltage source arrangement where two dry cells are connected in opposition, the voltage would cancel out and result in no net voltage output. Each dry cell typically produces around 1.5 volts, so when connected in opposition, the total voltage output would be zero.

What two factors determine the amount of voltage that is produced in a battery?

The amount of voltage produced in a battery is determined by the types of chemical reactions occurring within the battery and the materials used for the electrodes. The voltage is also affected by the number of cells in the battery, with multiple cells in series increasing the total voltage output.

What is th effect of Replacing a battery with one with fewer plates?

The battery voltage will be less. Batteries are arrangements of cells. The voltage of each cell is fixed depending on chemistry. Less plates means fewer cells, so the voltage produced by the battery in total will be less.

A battery consists office dry cells connected is series if the voltage developed by each cell is 1.5 v the total voltage developed by the battery is?

1.5v+1.5v+`n batteries. You didn't say how many cells, but if they're wired in series, the voltage is additive. 7.5 volts

If you have several cells of say 9V in parallel the total voltage will still be 9V so what happens if all the cells are of different voltages?

You get the lowest voltage. Although it's not quite that simple. The higher voltage batteries will charge up the lower voltage ones to some extent, so you'll get the highest voltage that the lowest voltage battery can support while being charged by the other batteries.

What thing that's electric consists several cells?

A battery consists of several cells connected together to store and release electrical energy. Each cell produces a voltage, and when multiple cells are combined, their voltages add up to provide a higher total voltage.

A battery consists of five dry cells connected in series. If the voltage dev eloped by each cell is 1.5 V the total voltage developed by the battery is?

7.5 Volts