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The generator charges the battery! In an automobile, the battery produces the electricity to start the car. Starting the car takes electricity out of the battery. The car needs to replace the electricity so it will start again the next time. The generator produces the electricity to recharge the battery so the car will start the next time.

Cars today use Alternators not Generators. Generators have not been used in autos since the mid 60s. Alternators unlike a generator can still charge a battery even with the engine idling. Alternators are more complex but much better at handling todays high demands for current on modern cars with all the associated electronics.

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Q: What is the function of generator in charging a battery?
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Be careful if you're charging the lithium battery with a generator connected through an isolator.

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the generator output varies with engine speed, so the regulator makes sure the battery is always charging at around 14V, or it'd blow up. a 6V battery charges at 7V.

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It means that the generator is not charging the battery, and needs to be looked at.

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Insufficient charging from your generator (aka alternator).

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probably worn brushes in the generator, ez to replace about 15.00$

What does GEN stand for on the message center of an 1997 dodge B2500 van?

The generator ( alternator ) is not charging properly.The generator ( alternator ) is not charging properly.

1973 Chevrolet impala gen caution light meaning?

It means your alternator (generator) is not charging the battery while the engine is running.

What are the effects of charging?

Charging refers to storing energy in a battery or device. The effects of charging include replenishing energy levels, allowing devices to function, and extending battery life by maintaining its capacity. However, overcharging can lead to decreased battery life or even damage in some cases.

What is the function of charging system in a car?

To run all the electronics on the vehicle and to keep the battery charged.

What does charging system mean?

All cars have a battery make the electrical components function. The charging system consists of a battery,starter an alternator and a voltage regulator. The battery turns the starter over causing the engine to run. As the engine is running the alternator produces electricityto keep it running. The voltage regulator keeps the current regulated so that the battery does not overcharge. ok, the forst answer was nearly correct except the starter motor is not part of the charging systm. the charging sytem consists of, the battery, the alternator,or generator,and thevoltage regulator. the voltage regulator is sometimes built into the alternator on newer cars ,where as they all used to be an extra equipment bolted onto firewall or inside fender

What is a gen?

That would be short for "generator" light. If that light is on while the engine is running, the charging system is not working and you are running off of battery power only.