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because they consume less energy so it is the benefit of star rating

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Q: What is the benefit of star rating on electrical appliances?
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What is the rating on DCS Applicances?

DCS Appliances typically have a good rating. On a five star rating system by Consumer Reports, DCS Appliances scores a 3.5. These are gourmet cooking appliances.

What are the benefits of owning energy star appliances?

The most obvious benefit of owning Energy Star appliances is savings on energy costs. They also are better for the environment, and may qualify you for a tax break.

Is it true that a label on a new appliance shows its power rating?

Most new appliances have a power rating label on them. The Energy Star label is an indication that the appliance is more energy efficient than others and will tell you how much the appliance will cost you to run. Appliances that do not have an Energy Star label are not a good investment.

What type of large appliances carry the Energy Star rating?

Clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers and room air conditioners are all available with the Energy Star rating. The rating indicates that the appliance is significantly more energy-efficient that minimum government standards.

How do Energy Star appliances work?

Energy Star appliances work like any other appliance. Unfortunately, products that shouldn't be classified as Energy Star are all over the market. There was a Consumer Reports article a few years ago showing things like mops and brooms having Energy Star ratings. Until there is more direct rating from within the Industry instead of the Government regulations, the energy star rating is anyone's best guess. ANY manufacturer that make ANY product can apply for an energy star rating.

What does the energy star rating mean?

Energy star rating is a rating fiven to products to rate them on their energy consumption. The lower the energy star rating the less energy it uses.

Where do you get the energy star certification for appliances?

The Energy Star certification comes with the appliance from the factory. If it passes all tests for efficiency, it is Energy Star Rated. If it doesn't it isn't. You can't get an Energy Star rating for an appliance that left the factory without one. It isn't something that can be bought, it can only be earned.

Are energy star appliances easy to find in stores?

Yes, energy star appliances are easily found in most stores selling appliances. Just look for the Energy Star logo or ask a sales representative if you are having trouble finding one.

What is mean by star rate?

It means that the rating is star

What additional features do energy star appliances have in contrast with conventional appliances?

Energy star appliances have been improved so much that you can tell the energy cost for instance of the amount of hot water you save and how much money in a years time just by buying energy star.

What is energy star?

ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. Appliances, buildings, and climate control systems can earn an Energy Star rating by showing a high degree of energy efficiency.

What is the star rating for Despicable Me?

On the box of the dvd, it said that it was 4 stars ( i would give it a 5 star rating!)