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Q: What is the benefit of macro functions in a universal remote?
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Universal Remote Controls?

form_title=Universal Remote Controls form_header=11973 Exactly which remote control are you looking for?*= {Select One,Basic universal remote,Mid-range remote with some advanced features,High-end remote with ability to control any system} What is the number of devices that you would like the remote to control?*= () 1-3 () 4-7 () 8-10 () More than 10 What type of special features are you interested in?*= [] Control multiple areas/zones [] Table-top remote [] Extended range [] Macro programming [] Touch screen remote [] Integration with Home Automation systems

Macro and micro functions of language?

Macro-functions are more extensive in discourse: Narrating, arguing, explaining. Micro-functions are shorter in discourse: greeting, asking, suggesting, and others.

What are the macro functions of communication?

Macro functions of communication means the basic and the important functions of communication. These functions are much more significant than the micro functions of communication. These functions include: 1.The emotive functions which deal with communicating inner states and emotions. 2.The Directive functions to affect the behavior of others etc.

Why macro recorder does not work on your VPS when you close the remote desktop?

Most Likely, This is because when you close the remote desktop, you are closing the active session. You will need to find a way to run the macro recorder on a permanent session. So how can I do it?

What are the functions of local self government in rural and urban area?

It means a macro democracy.

What are the function of header files?

They declare library functions They contain macro definitions They contain type definitions

Similarities between macro and subroutine?

Both Macro & Subroutine are set of instructions that are called several times to perform a specific task. They act like functions that have a sequence of instructions stored and is often called by the program.

What are the functions of a c processor?

The preprocessor handles directives for source file inclusion (#include), macro definitions (#define), and conditional inclusion (#if).

Can you reverse the lens on a canon rebel xsi to make it macro?

Perhaps with a special adapter, but you would lose all the auto functions.

What is a macro in c plus plus?

A macro is preprocessor definition that is processed prior to compilation. All occurances of a macro within your C++ source code are replaced with the macro definition, much like an automated search-and-replace-all operation. If the macro's definition is a function with one or more arguments, then the function is inline expanded within your code, replacing the defined arguments with the arguments that were passed to the macro. However, macro functions are not type safe and cannot be debugged because they only exist in your source code; the compiler only sees the intermediate code emitted by the preprocessor, at which point all macro definitions will no longer exist. To address this problem, C++ also supports the concept of template functions, which not only eliminates any unwanted inline expansion (resulting in smaller code), but also ensures that all calls to the function are type safe and can be debugged in the normal way. That said, macro functions, when used appropriately, can greatly simplify your code and can achieve things that would be difficult if not impossible to achieve with C++ alone. The ability to use code fragments via a macro is one such possibility. However, when combined with preprocessor directives such as #ifdef DEBUG, macros can also be used to provide useful and powerful debugging routines that only exist in debug code, compiling to no code in release builds. This cannot be achieved with C++ alone.

What is the difference between executing a macro and calling a macro?

Calling a macro loads the macro into memory, while executing the macro runs the macro.

What is macro call?

Nested macro calls refer to the macro calls within the macros. A macros is available within other macro definitions also. In the scenario when a macro call occurs, which contains another macro call, the macro processor generates the nested macro definition as text and places it on the input stack. The definition of the macro is then scanned and the macro processor complies it.