The SterlingTek charger allows you to continuously use your Fuji while you're at home or in the studio.
The battery life of a Cannon T camera will vary depending on its usage. The way one uses their camera will affect the length of the camera's battery life.
It will not work with your camera. You need the Fuji multi USB cable
Olympus camera batteries last on average the same as other battery brands. To extend the charge life of your camera battery be sure to not use the LCD panel since it drains the battery.
no, it's a camera brand.../:
It's a good camera yes it is. But the Fuji Instax mini 25 is the PERFECT camera.
The newest model of Fuji cmaera is a digital camera that takes high resolution photos and can record images that are in motion. This model is expensive.
Check the battery. Should be in the right top corner of the camera screen.
There are several different types of batteries that are unique to the make and model of the Canon camera. Typically the Canon camera batteries are re-chargeable and the battery life depends on usage and age of the battery.
It has about the same battery life as any other camera. You may want to carry a charger or buy an extra battery. That's what I do.