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Nickel Cadmium batteries can last through about 2000 recharge cycles.

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What is a battery cycle?

a deep cycle battery i a battery that you can charge and discharge over and over without harming the cells in the battery unlike a normal battery . deep cycle batteries are normally used in boats

What is a deep cycle battery?

a deep cycle battery i a battery that you can charge and discharge over and over without harming the cells in the battery unlike a normal battery . deep cycle batteries are normally used in boats

Could one jump a car battery using a fully charged deep cycle battery?

Do you wish to jump a car with a deep-cycle battery, or do you wish to charge another battery using the deep-cycle battery?

What are the limits of discharging a deep cycle battery?

You can run a deep cycle battery completely dead without damaging the battery. They are designed to be run down.

Is PowerSafe's battery model 12v155fs a deep cycle battery?

According to the document linked to, that battery will run down to 1.8V, which I believe qualifies as deep cycle.

How do you if you have a 12vdc or 24 deep cycle battery?

It should be marked on the battery.

Who makes the best deep cycle battery for your travel trailer?

Who makes the best deep cycle battery for a travel trailer. I had a 24 that keeps going low.Is interstate or a battery from Wal Mart or other battery stores?

Can a car battery charger be used on a motorcycle?

Yes and no. If you use a jumping unit, most have a setting that should match your cycle's battery voltage and limit current. You can jump one cycle's battery with another cycle's battery provided they are the same voltage and a rechargable-friendly (for example lead-acid) chemistry.

How do you charge a deep cycle battery with a car?

You don't. This would put a strain on the alternator and may burn a diode out. Charge it with a deep cycle battery charger.

What is a battery that is designed to be fully discharged many times called?

It is called a deep cycle battery

Will a deep cycle battery start a car?


How do you charge a boat battery?

The same way you charge a car battery. The only difference in them is that the marine battery is a deep cycle battery, meaning it is designed to be run completely down without damaging the battery. Ideally you need a charger designed to charge deep cycle batteries but you can charge one with a normal battery charger.