FET's or `field effect transistors' can be used for a variety of purposes from audio to power control. Unlike a regular (bipolar) transistor, they are more efficient and responsive to input voltages. There are several benefits to using FET's and are way too numerous to list here, but they are a very good type of transistor where the applications require additional sensitivity. I've used many different types and prefer using them whenever possible for my personal projects.
fets are used due to their high speeds
fets are used in linier ic's to 1)to provide large resistences 2)increase input resistence
Metal Oxide Semiconductormetal gates (FETs)silicon dioxide insulator between the gates and channelssemiconductor channels (FETs)
they are orange.
Vss refers to negative supply voltage in electronics. They are mostly used in FETS and MOSFETs in common circuit configurations.
There are 3 feet in a yard
by licking ur fets
yes it happend in bostion with phillis wheatly george washigton and mary land fets
The two main types of transistors are bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs). BJTs operate by controlling the flow of current via two types - NPN and PNP. FETs control current flow using an electrical field, with types including MOSFETs and JFETs.
FETs can be called UNIPOLAR devices because the charge carriers that carry the current through the device are all of the same type i.e. either holes or electrons, but not both. This distinguishes FETs from the bipolar devices in which both holes and electrons are responsible for current flow in any one device.
A Transient Voltage Suppressor (Transorb) is a zener diode that is engineered for high power current switching. They function in a similar fashion to FETs but are capable of higher current and voltages than FETs. Some are "bidirectional" consisting of two zeners and allow current flow in two directions unlike a FET or Diode which allow current in one primary direction.
FET has very high input impedanceBJT has very low input impedance