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Q: Two advantages of using CD-ROM encyclopedia rather than the Internet to get this information?
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Two advantages of using CD-ROM encyclopedia rather than the Internet tp get this information?

advantage and disadvantage of using cd-rom to get information about encyclopedia rather than internet

Where can I find information about shocks on the Internet?

There are many sources for information about shocks on the internet. Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia online. It has a detailed article about shock absorbers that might interest you: Another nice source of information about shocks is How Stuff Works: I hope you have a calm, rather than a shocking, experience, learning about the ins and outs of shocks.

What are the advantages of using internet rather than CD ROM?

duffer idiot if i knew the answer i would not ask the question..................

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Is an encyclopedia a reference source or a database?

An encyclopedia is considered a reference source rather than a database. It provides information on various topics in a condensed and structured format, typically organized alphabetically or thematically. It is meant to be used for quick reference and general knowledge rather than data retrieval and analysis like a database.

Is an encyclopedia?

No, is a website that offers articles, videos, and resources related to history and historical events. It is not an encyclopedia in the traditional sense, as it primarily focuses on providing information and content related to historical topics rather than serving as a comprehensive reference tool.

Name a type of book you're not expected to read all of?

A reference book, such as a dictionary or an encyclopedia, is typically not meant to be read cover to cover. These books are designed for quick reference or specific information retrieval rather than for continuous reading.

Why do we need to read the encyclopedia?

Reading the encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of topics, helping to broaden our knowledge and understanding of the world. It can serve as a valuable resource for research, learning new information, and expanding our general knowledge base.

What are the advantages of playing poker games online rather than in person?

Online poker is the game of poker played over the internet. One of the advantages is that playing can be done faster, because in person the dealer has to collect the cards and shuffle them.

Why are there so many unanswered questions when everyone has internet?

because the purpose of the question is interaction rather than information seeking

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advantages helps the mind and disadvantages their very boring wouldn't you rather use the internet

Which source would give the least information about the author's feelings?

An encyclopedia would typically give the least information about the author's feelings. Encyclopedias are usually focused on presenting factual, objective information in a neutral and unbiased manner, rather than expressing personal opinions or emotions.