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For this problem, we use the equation: C=Q/V; where C=capacitor, Q=charge, V=volts

We are trying to find Q; the C and V are given, so we just need to plug the numbers into the equation.


V=24.0 V



solve for Q

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Q: How much charge flows from each terminal of a 24.0 V battery when it is connected to a 7.90 F capacitor?
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A capacitor gets charged by connecting it to a voltage source, allowing it to store electrical energy in the form of an electric field between its two plates. When the voltage source is connected, electrons are forced onto one plate, while an equal number of electrons are removed from the other plate, causing a potential difference to build up across the capacitor.

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well to get the answer first know the principle by which a capacitor(consider a capacitor without dielectric) gets charged .let a capacitor with plates p1 and p2 and resistor in parlell are connected to a DC source , when the switch is closed the circuit is in ON state and current starts flowing ,assume the flow of current as the movement of negative charges then the concept would be much clear. assume that p1 is connected with positive terminal of the battery and p2 with the negative terminal ,now as the switch is closed the negative charge on p1 is attracted by the positive terminal of the battery and is driven to the other plate p2 of this process continues charge seperation increases and potential difference starts getting developed and after a very long time the potential diff. across capacitor becomes equal to the applied voltage V. the maximum charge is Q0=CV and charge at any time is , Q(t)=Q0(1-e^(-t/T)) where T=time constant of the circuit

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Charge the capacitor. Potential difference is a scientific term for what is more commonly called voltage. ANSWER: If big enough the battery will see a short initially and then proceed to charge the capacitor at a rate of 63% of the voltage in one time constant defined as RC For engineering purposes after 5 time the time constant the battery will and the capacitor zero potential different. The proper term should be virtual no difference.

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The units of capacitance are called farads. A one farad capacitor is a capacitor with 1 volt potential difference with 1 coulomb of charge on the capacitor, C = Q/V or Q=CV So the charge held on your capacitor is Q = CV = 9Volts * 0.40*10-6Farads=3.6*10-6 Coulombs

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The charge in a capacitor is between the plates. The dielectric is only an insulator that allows the plates to be very close without touching and discharging the charge. There is no battery in a capacitor.

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well to get the answer first know the principle by which a capacitor(consider a capacitor without dielectric) gets charged .let a capacitor with plates p1 and p2 and resistor in parlell are connected to a DC source , when the switch is closed the circuit is in ON state and current starts flowing ,assume the flow of current as the movement of negative charges then the concept would be much clear. assume that p1 is connected with positive terminal of the battery and p2 with the negative terminal ,now as the switch is closed the negative charge on p1 is attracted by the positive terminal of the battery and is driven to the other plate p2 of this process continues charge seperation increases and potential difference starts getting developed and after a very long time the potential diff. across capacitor becomes equal to the applied voltage V. during discharging first of all we short the battery , this mplies that we are short circuiting plates p1 and p2 so again charge redistribution takes place and after a longtime both the plates become electrically nuetral

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