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You cannot. The capacity of a CD is fixed at the time of manufacture. You can store more data by compressing the data itself.

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Q: How can you make a CD memory bigger?
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How do you make CD's?

Cd is a mixture of iron and mercury the pulses help them to perform tasks and save as memory.

Which portable CD players have programmable memory?

Memorex MD3025 Personal CD Player is an example of a portable cd player that has programmable memory as it has 21 track programmable memory.

What is the difference between CD and ROM?

CD = Compact Disk ROM = Read Only Memory Together CD-ROM means a compact disc made into a read only memory device. Rewritable cd's are not cd-roms as they are memory devices that can be rewrote to.

What is memory of CD?

The standard size for CD-R and CD-RW is 700MB

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because foam grow bigger by the time

Why does the computer go in stand by when inserting a CD in the CD-ROM drive?

READ ONLY MEMORY aka Temporary memory

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Does a rewritable CD acts as a ROM or RAM?

Neither. Both ROM and RAM are memory. A CD is a form of storage, which has nothing to do with memory.

What is the disadvantage of CD?

Memory holding capacity of CD-ROM is less and we can not rewrite the data in to the CD-ROM

What is the durability of a memory stick as opposed to a CD Rom?

Memory sticks are very duriable compared to CD-ROMs this is because they do not get scratched, also CDs burn in the sunlight, memory sticks do not and they can withoutstand a hard impact, CD Roms can't.

How much memory do blank CD's have?

There are many different types of blank CD's, and each may hold a different amount of memory. Some CD's hold a ton of memory while some cheaper CD's don't hold that much memory.Blank CD's (not to be mixed up with blank DVD's) hold 750mb worth of memory. Which acounts to 273 digital photos and 80 mins of digital music.