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it is elle

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Q: Find the passe compose of the verb regarder ExampleJ..regarder la television chez moi?
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Related questions

When is the passe compose used?

When speaking in the past tense.

What is the passe compose?

It means past tense words in french.

How do you spell could in french?

passe compose---- pouve (accent aigu)

What does je suis Monte mean?

I went up, in passe compose.

How do you write regarder-nous Avon passe compose?

Présentj'aitu asil/elle anous avonsvous avezils/elles ontImparfaitj'avaistu avaisil/elle avaitnous avionsvous aviezils/elles avaientPassé simplej'eustu eusil/elle eutnous eûmesvous eûtesils/elles eurentFuturj'auraitu aurasil/elle auranous auronsvous aurezils/elles auront

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Ecrire des notes sur le passe compose?

write notes on the past composed tense

What is the passe compose form for dire?

The passé composé form of "dire" is "a dit."

The Passe Compose has how many Aux?

This question does not make sense. Aux is a preposition, not any part of a verb.

What is 'She is on TV' in French?

elle passe à la télé

What is the passe compose of je suis?

J'ai été is the passé composé for "je suis".

What is the difference between passe compose and imparfait?

The passé composé is used to express completed actions in the past, while the imparfait is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past. The passé composé is formed with a helping verb (avoir or être) and a past participle, while the imparfait is formed by adding specific endings to the root of the verb.