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yes. same forces repel each other and opposite forces attract.

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Q: Do charged particles exert force on each other?
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What force do charged particles exert?

Charged particles exert an electric force on other charged particles in their vicinity. This force can either be attractive (between particles of opposite charge) or repulsive (between particles of the same charge).

How does an electron exert a force on another charged particle?

An electron exerts a force on another charged particle through the electromagnetic force. This force arises due to the interaction of the electric fields surrounding the charged particles. Like charges repel each other, so electrons (which are negatively charged) repel other negatively charged particles.

How is an electric force created?

An electric force is created by the interaction of charged particles. Opposite charges attract each other, while like charges repel each other. This force is mediated by electric fields, which extend around charged particles and cause them to exert a force on each other.

Can you think of two particles which do not exert force on each other?

Photons do not exert force on each other, as they are massless particles that carry electromagnetic force. Neutrinos also do not exert force on each other, as they only interact weakly through the weak nuclear force and gravity.

What is the definition off electrical enery?

Electrical energy is energy that's stored in charged particles within an electric field. Electric fields are simply areas surrounding a charged particle. In other words, charged particles create electric fields that exert force on other charged particles within the field. The electric field applies the force to the charged particle, causing it to move - in other words, do work.

What Charged objects do not have to what to exert a force on each other?

Charged objects do not have to physically touch each other in order to exert a force on each other. The force between charged objects can be exerted through electromagnetic fields that extend through space. This force is known as the electrostatic force.

Can charged bodies exert forces even at a distance?

Yes, charged bodies can exert forces on each other even at a distance through electric fields. When charged particles are in close proximity, they interact with each other by exchanging virtual photons, creating an electric field that carries the force between them.

Space in which charges exert a force on each other?

Electrostatic field is the space in which charges exert a force on each other. This field arises due to the presence of electric charges and is responsible for the interactions between charged particles. It is characterized by the magnitude and direction of the force experienced by charges within the field.

What causes oppositely charged particles to move towards each other Do the fields between them somehow warp space time?

Oppositely charged particles are attracted to each other due to the electrical force, which is a fundamental force in nature that acts between charged particles. This force operates through electric fields that exert a force on charged particles. Electric fields do not warp spacetime; they are fundamental fields that describe the interaction between charged objects.

What is an electrical property of matter that creates electric and magnetic forces and interaction?

The property is called charge, which is a fundamental property of matter that can be positive or negative. Charged particles create electric fields that exert forces on other charged particles, while moving charged particles create magnetic fields that can also exert forces on other charged particles. The interaction between electric and magnetic fields is known as electromagnetism.

What is something charged objects exert on each other?

Charged objects exert a force on each other called electrostatic force. This force can be either attractive or repulsive, depending on the types of charges present (positive or negative). The magnitude of the force is determined by the amount of charge on the objects and the distance between them.

Negative electric charge?

Negative electric charge is a fundamental property of subatomic particles such as electrons, which carry a charge of -1. This charge leads to the attraction between negatively charged particles and positively charged particles. When negative charges accumulate, they create an electric field that can exert a force on other charges in the vicinity.