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LG flat screen TVs do not generally come in pink, however, there is a website called Colourware that specializes in after market recoloring of electronics.

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Q: Do LG flat screen TVs come in pink?
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Yes, plasma flat screen televisions come in a variety of sizes just like any other television. has a large selection in a variety of sizes.

What do they call a flat screen TV?

They call a flat screen television a "big screen tv". That is the slang term. The scientific term for it is LCD flat-screen television. YOUR WELCOME!

Flat Screen TV Reviews?

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Do flat screen tvs have a dvd combo?

Some flat screen tvs have a dvd combo. It does not come standard. It can be handy if you only want to watch dvds and don't plan to install a sound system.

What sizes does aquos flat screen come in?

Aquos flat screen television sets come in sizes ranging from 24 inches to 72 inches. You should measure the area you'll be placing it to know what the largest size you can fit is.

Is a slit in a flat screen TV harmful?

If you meant "split" in a flat screen, then that depends on your TV.

Where are flat screen TVs sold?

A flat screen television can be obtained either online or in store. The most common businesses to buy a flat screen television from are stores specializing in electronics.

Can you purchase a compact flat screen TV stand?

This truly depends on your definition of compact. TV stands come in a variety of sizes, but a stand that is too "compact" or small would most likely be unable to support a flat screen TV of a bigger size. However, it is possible to buy a space-efficient stands.

How do you repair burn marks on a flat screen TV?

You can find detailed instructions on how to repair burn marks on a flat screen TV on

How do you say flat screen in french?

"flat screen TV" is "télé à écran plat".

Where can I find flat screen TV reviews to help me decide what TV is right for me?

There are many different things that come into play when chosing the best flat screen tv out on the market today. Samsung would be up in the top five though and is always a good choice.