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Q: Can you photocopy things when they are laminated?
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Can we photocopy laminate document?

It is not recommended to photocopy a laminated document as the lamination may cause issues with the copy quality and potentially damage the photocopier. It is best to remove the lamination before making a copy for the best results.

What did people use to photocopy things before the photocopier was invented?

by hand

What type of things can be laminated?

Almost anything can be laminated, most people will think that paper is the only thing that can be protected by laminate. Modern kitchens and bookshelves have been laminated to protect from damage to the structural particle board below. Depending on the item to be laminated will determine the cost. Most things we have today in our day to day lives have some form of laminate on them.

What do you use laminated timbers for?

you use laminated timbers for kitchen surfaces and building things it is very strong disadvantages of the timber it isn't very strong

What is sentence for a photocopy?

A photocopy is a duplicate reproduction of an original document, created using a photocopying machine that scans and copies the content onto a blank sheet of paper.

What part of speech is photocopy?

The word photocopy can be used as a noun, a verb, or an adjective.Noun: Please make a photocopy of this document.Verb: I will photocopy this document for you.Adjective: I'll wait for you near the photocopymachine.

Can laminated glass be tempered?

Tempered glass can be laminated, but laminated glass cannot be tempered.

What is the adjective form for photocopy?

The adjective form for photocopy is "photocopied."

What is the number one photocopy company?

the number one photocopy company is richo

What does self attested photocopy mean?

Self-attested photocopy refers to a photocopy of a document or form that has been signed by the individual to certify its accuracy and authenticity. The individual affirms that the photocopy is a true copy of the original document by signing it.

What is photocopy and scanning?

Photocopy and scanning is a process in which a panda bear creates fecies from its anus.

How do you photocopy something that has already got writing on?

You just photocopy doesn't matter if it has writing or not...