Increase chillie powder or pepper powder to neutralize the taste of tamarind in a dish. You can also use potato to reduce the taste of tamarind. You can also use some extra water. Small pinch of tamarind is enough for a dish.
Tamarind (tamarindus indica) has not been said to be used for cough in any of the herbal reference material I researched.
No, tamarind is a fruit.
What are the medicinal values of tamarind # Tamarind is a good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer. Tamarind contains carotenes, vitamin C, flavanoids and the B-vitamins # Tamarind protects against vitamin C deficiency # Tamarind reduces fevers and provides protection against colds # Tamarind helps the body digest food # Tamarind is used to treat bile disorders # Tamarind is a mild laxative # Tamarind lowers cholesterol # Tamarind promotes a healthy heart # Tamarind can be gargled to ease soar throat # Tamarind can be applied to the skin to heal inflammation
Some people may be allergic to tamarind. Additionally, excessive consumption of tamarind may lead to digestive issues due to its high fiber content. Lastly, tamarind is acidic and may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions such as acid reflux.
At a thai or Indian grocery. Online, search for tamarind paste or tamarind concentrate.
Young Tamarind pods. If you need a substitute for it, you can use any souring agent like lemon, lime and calamansi. You can also go to an oriental foodstore and buy tamarind powder, or sinigang mix ( a powder made from dried tamarind), if you specify the dish you need it for i may be able to recommend the best alternative
Yes. It's a lamp, a switch, a battery and some way of making the connections.
It is understood that tamarind contains mainly tartaric acid
The Tamarind Seed was created in 1974.
Yes, tamarind is a monocot plant. Monocots are characterized by having a single seed leaf, parallel venation in their leaves, and floral parts in multiples of three. Tamarind fits these criteria, making it a monocot.
Tamarind is safe for dogs to eat or be bye.