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Europe is within a single region for DVD coding so there should normally be no problem playing any region two coded disc in a French player. European region discs also support sub-regions so it is possible that a UK market disc may not play on players even within other parts of Europe.

Note that France uses a different color encoding system than the rest of Europe. Although the vast majority of television equipment in France will support PAL as well as the French SECAM system, it might just be worth checking to make sure that the equipment will handle a PAL disc.

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It is unlikely for three reasons.

First, French programme material is a different frame rate compared to North American video. Although some players and televisions will handle it, may do not.

Second, Frances uses a color encoding system called SECAM for video signals. Although it is used by several countries, it is not well supported and it may well not be supported by the American equipment.

Finally, commercial DVDs have a region code to prevent them being used outside their own region. Most US DVD players will simply refuse to play a disc that has not been pressed for the North American market.

Although there is a chance that a disc will work, it is a small one and overall, it is far better to obtain a legitimate copy from North America if possible. If the disc is non commercial, then it's worth trying.

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