yes it's the same
A key field is a field of a database table which forms an identifier for a record. It holds a unique data which distinguishes the record from all the other records in the database.
Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.Microsoft Access is a database.
Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.Rows in an Access table are records.
access from the internet access from the file
Access = Accès To access = Accéder
Class access is the ability for any given class to access the functions of another class. Private access limits access to data and code just to the class that contains the private access modifier. The so-called "default" access grants private access, as well as access to any class in the same package. Protected access grants the same as "default" access, and also allows subclasses to access the code and data. Public access allows any class in any package to access the code and data.
Class access is the ability for any given class to access the functions of another class. Private access limits access to data and code just to the class that contains the private access modifier. The so-called "default" access grants private access, as well as access to any class in the same package. Protected access grants the same as "default" access, and also allows subclasses to access the code and data. Public access allows any class in any package to access the code and data.
Random Access & Sequential Access
The homophone is the same word access. Access has several meaning for example: access = permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use access = a way or means of getting to something access = being to get to something
Business access simply means getting access to the business.