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1. Lower costs of market entry / application deployment, faster payback on development costs, and superior return on investment will make cloud-based platforms the target of choice for both entrepreneurial and enterprise developers.

2. Mainstream consumers will become more aggressive in lowering their cost of both personal and business computing, and will become far more accepting of lightweight client machines running free and open-source operating systems and applications -- including application-oriented internet clients like Google's Chrome.

3. The generation raised on broadband connections, Google search and Facebook community membership will not fear to rely on Web-delivered applications and resources for both work and leisure.

4. Companies will redefine the "C" in "CRM" to mean "Community" rather than "Customer": they will build systems that engage their partners and customers in cooperative processes of product and service improvement, rather than building only inward-looking systems for in-house analysis of the world outside the company's wall.

5. Developers outside the U.S. and Europe -- specifically those in India, China and Brazil -- will find their most rapidly growing opportunities in their own home markets, and will shift their focus toward building high-value applications for compatriot companies rather than providing low-cost labor to mature markets overseas.

6. Software market cycles will rapidly accelerate to Web speed, with multiple releases per year, rather than the glacial pace of multi-year upgrade cycles that currently results in most IT sites running legacy versions of cumbersome bloatware.

7. Global growth in development demand will increase the importance of high-leverage application frameworks that enable more rapid development of higher-quality products.

8. Too many development teams will minimize short-term pain, rather than maximizing gain, and will find themselves made irrelevant by teams that kept pace with new opportunities.

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Cloud computing is so new that predicting what it will look like in the future is somewhat difficult, but it is certain to grow in popularity when the advantages it offers are considered. Eliminating bulky hard drives from mobile computing devices saves weight, giving device manufacturers the opportunity to pack more and more features into a smaller package, at a lower cost, while at the same time increasing reliability and battery life. Look for cloud computing to dominate the mobile productivity workplace.

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Yes, cloud computing is an innovation that allows its users to freely access information from various devices. You may see it becoming more common in the future.

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Cloud computing is the wave of the future. However, for the non-IT person the setup might be confusing and complicated. It is recommended to get guidance from your provider.

Future software technologies hi frnds am planning to learn cloud computing administration Howz the marketcould any please guide me?

I would encourage to learn cloud computing administration because the market for future software technologies is good.

Top Cloud Computing Books?

Cloud computing is a new technology that is gaining popularity and will likely be a part of technological progress in the future. In order to learn more about it, consider investing in one of the many great cloud computing books. This is considered to be the top choice: Cloud Computing for Dummie- This is the perfect way to learn more about cloud computing in a easy to understand way. Whether you are a complete beginner in the subject or already have vast experience, this is the book for you.

What is a major cloud computing magazine?

I found three Cloud Computing magazines you might be interested in. They are; Alltop - Top Cloud Computing News, Cloud Computing Journal and TMC's Cloud Computing Magazine. I hope that you find these choices helpful.

Google Leads in Cloud Computing?

Google has always been a market leader in browsing and Internet searches. Now that Cloud Computing has taken over the industry, Google once again is leading the way. With apps like Google Earth, and their Cloud application storage repository Google Docs, Google has a grasp on Cloud Computing and is bringing it to the home desktop. Google and Cloud Computing is the promise of the future. Embrace it today.

What's a good website that explains the cloud computing future in simple terms?

Many websites offer a description of cloud computing and put it in simple terms. is one such website. It has Question and Answer section.

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I do not think that Linux is the only host for cloud computing. AT&T and HP are hosts for cloud computing also. You can get free cloud computing at

Where do I get cloud computing training?

Cloud computing training is offered by Unitek education. Through Unitek, you can register to take a class in a nearby location. You may also register to take a cloud computing course with Plexent in person or online.

finding cloud computing tools?

Cloud computing is all about efficiency and speed. This is why the best cloud computing tools are needed. To get a system up and running, one should talk to professionals in the technology world. These can be found with a quick Internet search or by asking loved ones. It is important to also read up on cloud computing online and to invest in some books on the topic. This is the future, and it pays to read up on it.