Cloud computing is still fairly new technology. Like with any new technology that's introduced on them market, it is going to suffer some growing pains. Some of the common challenges of cloud computing includes: Privacy and data security, managing the the cloud computing system, dealing with lock in, and effectively managing the contractual relationships.
Cloud Security is a problem
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Some of the challenges in cloud computing are high priority such as safeguarding valuable information and securing privacy for customers and users. Keeping your software legal and legitimate is also another factor.
There are a variety of different issues with cloud computing; the first problem is just understanding all the details of cloud computing. Another problem is people you work with and use it with don't understand the technology and don't see the point in it.
I found three Cloud Computing magazines you might be interested in. They are; Alltop - Top Cloud Computing News, Cloud Computing Journal and TMC's Cloud Computing Magazine. I hope that you find these choices helpful.
I do not think that Linux is the only host for cloud computing. AT&T and HP are hosts for cloud computing also. You can get free cloud computing at
Yes, cloud computing is an innovation that allows its users to freely access information from various devices. You may see it becoming more common in the future.
Cloud computing is the sharing of information and software between businesses. At computing you will be able to find how to get free cloud computing. Also and are places to start your search for free cloud computing.
There is a good explanation of cloud computing at I think you can learn most of what you need to know there.
Any computer website that has cloud computing on it should be able to keep you updated with news about cloud computing technology. I recommend Microsoft.
Cloud computing is better then normal grid computing as its cheaper to buy, use and maintain. Cloud computing can offer web hosting also which grid computing can not.
There is no normal cloud computing platform. Cloud computing is a new computer operating system that is becoming popular.