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Thats fine. Laptops generally have LCD screens, which don't release any radiation. You're thinking of cathode ray monitors (the old big huge thick monitors). They release a small amount of radiation out the back. -DJ Craig

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Q: Your laptop computer screen is broken inside the outer part is in tact im still using it is it dangerous to do so im worried about radiation leakage?
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To answer your question it is not the computer to be worried about but the monitor, a large monitor creates more radiation than a small one so in theory a laptop would be the best choice if you are worried about radiation, but i have been around computers my entire life and i am just fine. one x ray is equivalent to 2-5years of computer usage depending on what type of x ray you take. These days, monitors do not produce x-ray radiation, because they are all LCD and not CRTs. In fact I would be surprised if even a huge CRT monitor produced the same amount of x-rays as indicated in the previous paragraph. Generally when the scare-mongers are talking about computer radiation they are talking about radio waves, and computers are no worse for this than any other electronic equipment. Mobile phones are orders of magnitude worse of course. Radiation from computers is nothing to worry about.

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