If you have just registered then they will need time to do all that is needed to allow you to log in.
If you have registered more than 2 days ago then use the contact us button to let them know there is a problem.
As soon as you sign up for a Webs.com account and post a home page, it is online.
Hacking will result in your account being suspended/ disabled and all your badges being removed.
i thinks its down for good now and it wont be coming back up but i hope it will =]. Its showing hostgator becouse the domain name isnt set to a virtual private server meaning that it isnt active. Actually ballscape is activated again by Sense. He made alot of functionality fixes and added new items + a new quest. join at www.deltascape.org/play.php
You get a Facebook profile by going to the Facebook website and setting up a profile.
If its not showing up right it could be a problem with your layout or maybe it got entered into your profile incorrectly. Try going to http://www.profilerehab.com and picking a layout and then go to this link for directions on how to put it into your profile. http://profilerehab.com/help/how_to_apply_layouts Hope that helps!
No, you only have to be a member on pogo if you want a mini and to earn badges, to edit your profile load up your profile and press edit profile
Why not try leaving him? Try ignoring him for a month or two. Try not showing up. If he is really INTO you, you know what to expect.
No he isnt they broke up!
you know this isnt texting and im fine
there isnt one
To set up a MySpace profile go to the MySpace home page and look up in the top left corner for the edit profile link and click on that link. This will take you to where you need to be, the profile edit page and on that page you will see the personal info tab. Click on the personal info tab and follow the prompts of the eight sections to set up a MySpace profile.
It is showing everywhere :)