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Q: You can use the Windows RE command prompt window to restore registry files using those saved in the folder?
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The Windows RE command prompt window to restore registry files saves in what folder?


What folder holds the windows registry?

C:\Windows\system32\restore, C:\Windows\registry\backup, C:\Windows\system32, C:\Windows\registry, C:\Windows\system32\config, C:\Windows\system32\config\RegBack

What folder holds the windows registry what holds a backup registry?

C:/System Volume Information.

What is the Windows 98 equivalent of Windows XP's system32 folder?

It's the System folder. But if you are looking for windows/dos commands you'll find them in the Command folder

HOW to enable folder option?

Many times Explorer will remove or disable the Folder Option in Tools but there is a way to deal with it. If Folder Options is disabled but Registry Editor is still working in your system, then you can enable Folder Options by editing Windows Registry.

In what folder does Windows xp store a backup of the registry when backing up the system state?

Windows vista and 7 %system root%/system32/config/ ie: C:\system32\config

What folder is used by Windows to hold System Restore restore points?

The folder "System Volume Information" is a hidden system folder located in the root of the drive and is used by windows to hold system restore points. C:\System Volume Information\_ Restore folder

What is the source folder used for?

Honestly,this is easy to answer,the source folder for Microsoft windows/Windows XP,Ect,Is basically the source for the computer software and registry,and the source of the pc.Google it!!

How do you get back the folder options in windows on windows xp without going to the regedit?

Click on Tools then Folder Options. Then click on 'Restore Defaults' button.

What is the name of the file folder of pictures after you restore windows?

Snapfish or atleast it is on my computer.

Where is registry stored?

It is stored in the C:/windows/system32/config. The hive you want is located under its name.

What is the folder that opens when you boot computer?

If you select the start button and go to all programs; there should be a folder named startup. When ever a folder or program is applied to this location it starts during the booting sequence. That folder can be removed from startup and thus will not open during start up. It is what is called a hot key command under the windows registry.