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The type of connection varies greatly depending on the client/server. We can not provide any information without knowing the type of software you are refering to. It is likely that the client/server to uses TCP as its network protocol. Research TCP to understand the basics of how computers usually communicate over an IP network. The alternitive to TCP is UDP, which is a less reliable protocol.

In a nutshell (without diagrams, sorry), most client/server connections just use TCP, then some sort of data. Data is usually sent only on one port. The client sends a SYN (syncronize) to the server which replies with an ACK/SYN (acknowledge/syncronize), to which the client replies with an ACK (acknowledge). This opens a connection from the client to the server where data is sent or requested in a format special to the type of program being used.

The best way, although somewhat more advanced, is to download a packet capturing program such as the open source program Wireshark from That will allow you to capture traffic to and from the client/server.

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