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Check Automatic Update and Firewall Services.

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Q: Windows automatic updates keeps turning off even when you change settings and firewall says its on but its not how do you resolve these?
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It has been driving me crazy. Tried & tried to install Creator 10 on my new HP windows 7 64 bit. Finally the light went on. Turn off the firewall. Worked like a champ. Program works like it is supposed to. I had the same problem. The problem is due to anti virus software. I have norton internet security and then i turned it off for a while the installation completes. And yes it worked. I just disabled anti virus and firewall. I installed it on windows 7 ultimate 32 bit.

I am getting Windows Update Error 80072EE2 so while searching for solution I read about a company called GuruAid that solves update error has anyone approached them for this error?

If you receive Windows Update error 80072ee2 while checking for updates, the Windows Update servers might be experiencing an unusually high number of requests for updates. Close Windows Update, wait 10 to 15 minutes, and then run Windows Update again. You can also wait for Windows Update to run at its next scheduled time.The Windows Update Troubleshooter is available that fixes some problems with Windows Update, and it might resolve this error for you.If that doesn't work, try the following steps:To add the Windows Update websites to a firewall exceptions list• Windows Firewall ships with this version of Windows and should already include these sites in the exceptions list. If you use a different firewall, refer to the software publisher's help to see how to add these websites to your firewall exceptions list:o http://* https://* http://download.windowsupdate.comIMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, you should first make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat). Both are hidden files in the Windows folder.If the above mentioned step does not resolves the problem then try deleting the registry keyHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AURestart the system after the key is removed and the windows update should start working.

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