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Rats are extremely social animals, so they shouldn't if they like you, but if they hate you, then yes, they will.

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Q: Will your pet rat jump off you and run away?
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Related questions

Were do you get a rat?

You can get a pet rat from most pet stores.

My 6yr old gets bit by her new pet Russian rat what should you do?

Keep that rat away from your child and take her to a doctor

How strong is a rat bite?

awell depending on the sise of the rat a pet rat mite beable to peirce your skin a giant rat can somtimes rip off alot of skin :)

Why did your pet rat die suddenly?

I don't have a pet rat!

Does spinelli have pets?

He used to have a pet rat and a chinchilla named Chichi, but both have passed away.

How fast doe the giant jumping rat of Madagascar run?

It probably won't run to get away from a preditor, it will jump a meter high to get away.

Did Emily Carr have a pet rat?

Emily Carr had one pet rat.

How do you get over the pole and away from the rat on Super Villain Island?

The rat helps you get over the wall. Use the stopwatch to freeze him near the wall, then jump on top of him to leap the wall to the right.

What kind of health problems could a pet rat have?

a pet rat can have many health problems my rat actually died from upper respiratory infection

What is the largest breed of pet rat?

African Pouched Rat.

Can you keep a naked mole rat as a pet?

I think it is not the best idea to have it as a pet, but if you were a really crazy person who would have a snake as a pet you would keep that rat thingy. but anyway a mole rat, my answer would be NO!

What What was Abraham Lincolns pet rat named as Abraham Lincolns rat named?

Abraham Lincoln had a lot of pets, and some were unusual pets but he did not have a pet rat.