Lennie kept a dead mouse in his pocket because he enjoyed petting soft things and found comfort in touching the mouse's fur.
Mouse dropping can carry disease, but Lyme disease is not one of those.
The mouse is dead... cats will usually play with the mouse until they kill it then eat it
by not touching the mouse...lol...
micky mouse is dead because they are not making new series or episodes.
The mouse was dead for about 3 weeks
if your reading this and touching the mouse your touching my testicles and your rubbing them hard as
The symbiotic relation ship between a flea and a mouse is parasitism. Parisitism is a type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits, and the other is harmed. The flea eats dead skin and drinks the mouse's blood. The mouse, in turn, is constantly itching and may be given a disease(s).
Yes, if the mouse has rabies.
It is not really an elegy as the mouse's home was destroyed and the mouse was not dead.
Alzheimer's disease is not transmitted by a virus or bacteria, nor is DNA transferred from a transgenic mouse.